brand logo of watch manufacturer Neminus


Presentation of Neminus

- Founded 2017 in Singapore, the brand is pronounced “ne-mi(me)-nus”. The primary aim of NEMINUS is to provide the market with fresh ideas, innovative concepts and unique materials with modernized manufacturing processes. Like most micro-brands, NEMINUS seeks to engineer and build well-made watches that are value-for-money (affordable) and readily accessible. But, unlike most microbrands, NEMINUS designs are distinct; it is not designed for everybody and it is not a "me-too" timepiece. - NEMINUS’s philosophy in watch making is not about telling time. It’s not about the hours, minutes and seconds; its about who you are and what you aspire to be. - NEMINUS’s brand proposition is to enthrall wearers to “Be In It”. That is, to inspire and to achieve the impossible. To live with zest, desire and aspirations. - NEMINUS’s primary design and workmanship are geared toward the surrounding holistic elements of extreme professionals. It pays homage to extreme professionals and their adventures. • A mere glimpse of NEMINUS timepieces is suffice to convince any disbeliever of the value and quality of the creation. - NEMINUS’s design DNA is "U.T.O.P.I.A". U : UNIQUE designs T : TOUGH materials O : OPULENT finishing P : PRACTICAL complications I : INNOVATIVE concepts A : AESTHETIC and COOL looking - NEMINUS’s product proposition is "To Watch & Be Watched“ - that is, other than to read time, our supporters are envied for their discriminatory tastes and styles. The values include : Unique, distinctive and differentiated designs High quality materials and finishing Reasonably priced and Value for money for the inherent specs delivered in the timepiece

History of Neminus

Founded in 2017

Main characteristics

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Perry - Khor

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Neminus official website https://www.neminuslab.com
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