brand logo of watch manufacturer Lesablier


Presentation of Lesablier

"Le sablier" in French translates to "the hourglass". We believe that the hourglass is a fitting namesake for our brand. Well before the advent of mechanical timekeeping devices, the hourglass was the most efficient way to measure elapsed time. Its simplicity and elegance is a great inspiration to us. Like an hourglass, Lesablier timepieces are straightforward, tasteful and of course pragmatic. Nothing we make is beautiful simply for the sake of beauty, to us it is important to achieve beauty along the road to optimal function. ​ Lesablier seeks to embody the quality and exclusivity of high-watchmaking and share it with all enthusiasts. To us, watches are a form of art and expression as well as tools that we use everyday. As watch enthusiasts and collectors ourselves, we have an extremely high standard of quality for our watches and will not settle for anything less than the very best. ​ All our watches are limited production. When you buy a Lesablier, you own an elusive and rare piece. Our timepieces have the individual production and series number on both the case and the dial, making your watch truly one-of-a-kind. Our regular production watches are built in production series of 500 watches no more than twice a year. Series A denotes the first production series, B the second, so on and so forth. Each series will be distinctively different than the last

History of Lesablier

Founded in 2022

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Main characteristics

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Akbar A.
Akbar A. - Sattar

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3 previous releases

15 watches

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Lesablier official website https://www.lesablierwatches.com
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